
Hi I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos of our visitors on p2a’s blog page. I think the special dog was the favourite.

Once again we have learned lots in a short week.
We started learning “Being Cool in School” we learned that nobody can help having feelings – they are part of everyone. We feel different things all day long as different things happen to us. It is important not to be ashamed of having feelings. Everyone has them – good and bad. What counts is what we do about our feelings – we can all learn to show our feelings in ways that are helpful to us and to others, not ways that are hurtful.

We thought about what we already know about money and will use this knowledge as we learn more this term.

Did you know that some trees loose their leaves in Autumn to help the tree conserve energy during winter?
We looked at some drawings to see how artists use line to draw trees. We compared drawings and identified what we thought made some drawings better than others. We think that using pairs of lines to make branches and twigs worked well. Lots of short branches worked well too. Not colouring in but using lots of lines also made the tree drawings good. We applied these ideas and made drawings we are proud of.

Our class novel this term is called The big blackout. The front cover told us the title, the author and the illustrator. We liked the illustrators use of colour and his use of line.

One thought on “P2b”

  1. What a great week! Esther has enjoyed using money in class this week. Your novel sounds really interesting – I wonder what it is about?

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