Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 3.10.16

Hello everyone,


What a week we have had in P2/1!!!   It has been a week full of adventures and surprises for us – here are our best bits from this week!

Regan – “Writing about the coffee morning in our jotters”

Keegan – “Dress down day is always good fun!”

Rory – “I liked assembly where they sang the songs”

Marley – “Mrs Dunbar giving me my certificate and getting all my stickers!”

Breghannon – “Singing songs”

Ellie – “I liked going to the library because we got to read nice books”

Millie – “My favourite part of this week has been learning about o.  I liked making the octopus”

Brandon – “Learning about phonics and how to use sounds to write words, I made a phonic flower with Mrs Mansfield”

Poppy – “When we were talking about the ladybirds we made and put them on the wall”

Leah – “When we were practising the church songs”

Max – “I liked doing the rockets when we learned about ck. It was a bit messy”

Rio – “I liked phonics this week.  My duck got put on the Wow Wall”

Emily – “Doing shapes, I liked learning about how many sides there are in shapes”

Leila – “I liked writing station this week because I got to practise writing in fun ways”

Jonah – “I liked maths, I made a shape pizza”

Liam – “Learning about squares.  I liked making and drawing the shapes”

Rocco – “Making a duck in phonics, the feathers tickled me”

Romeo – “I liked assembly because the class sang a good song”

Teigan – “When we went to the library”

Cameron – “I liked shared start because mum got to come to our class”

What a week!  Only one more Friday until our October holidays, we are looking forward to lots of busy learning before we break up from school”



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – thank you so much to all the parents/carers/family members that managed to make it along to our shared start on Tuesday.  I hope you found it beneficial to seeing how your child learns in our class – if you have any questions please feel free to catch me at the end of the school day! I hope you all have a lovely weekend!)

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