P3/2 are learning lots

We have had  a very busy week. We started Secret Student this week.We were working with magnets of all shapes and sizes. We were working on large numbers and realising we can read huge numbers easily. We wrote a story about Fantastic Mr Fox’s Adventure. We found our Roald Dahl name that was funny !

Here are our comments:-

Isla-When you put iron filings on paper and a magnet underneath and you move the magnet the iron filings follow the magnet

Rory- Magnets attract other metals

Grace- Magnets are attracted to other metal things

Sophie S.- My Roald Dahl name is The Muggled Crabcruncher

Nina- Art with Mrs Spence was new for me

Sophie M.- Magnets stick to chair legs

Niamh- My Roald Dahl name is The Delumptious Hornswaggler

Jess- Two new words to do with magnets are attract and repel

Ross- Magnets attract lots of things in our classroom

Archie- I loved my Roald Dahl name The Frightsome Twit

Lily-My Roald Dahl name is The Licky mucky Bootboggler

Dylan,Katie- We loved the P6 Assembly about Space

Eden- Iron filings move about to make pictures when magnets are underneath them on paper

Eva-I found lots of things in the classroom that stick to a magnet

Luis- Magnets are attracted to metals

Zara- My Roald Dahl name is The Snoozing Crabcruncher

Secret Students this week have been-

Ross, Niamh, Lily and Archie

Table of the week last week and this week-

The Rulers


The Sharpeners

Pupil of the week-


Star Writers-

Archie and Niamh




3 thoughts on “P3/2 are learning lots”

  1. Hi P3/2, what an exciting week. Ross enjoyed being the secret student. Hope you all have a great holiday!

    P.s what would my Roald Dahl name be?

  2. Niamh: I enjoyed doing Art with Mrs Spence and PE with Mrs Aitken.
    Niamh’s Mummy Ros: It was so much fun to hear about the Roald Dahl names! Very funny! And I’m glad you all enjoyed learning about magnets, they’re magic little things aren’t they?

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