P7b Update

In P.E this week we played ‘Castles’.  To play this game, we split into two teams and each team has two ‘castles’ made from hula hoops.  The aim of the game is to use a ball to knock down the opposing teams castles.  There is a two minute time limit and the team who knocks down the most castles wins.

For writing this week we wrote an imaginative crime story.  We had to choose from a selection of characters, settings and crimes and create a story with a beginning, middle and end.  We also had to begin our story with an interesting opener.  E.g. in the middle of action, a flashback, with a question or speech.  This helped to grab the reader’s attention straight away.  Miss Bollen was very impressed with our stories.

This week we also learned about the ‘crime’ that took place at Balbardie.  It turns out that MrsDunbar’s laptop has been stolen.  The suspects are; Mrs Meek, Mrs Hay, Mrs Madden, Jim the Janny, Mrs Haddifon and Mr Cunningham.  We explored the crime scene and found fingerprints, footprints, a scrunched up note, fabric and hair samples.  We will complete investigations over the coming weeks to find the guilty suspect.

Enjoy the long weekend,


RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education

Pupil of the week- David

Class dojo winner- Viggo

Table of week- Mysterious 6




4 thoughts on “P7b Update”

  1. Yikes! Criminals at Balbardie! Hope you all find out who it was soon. Well done Viggo for getting dojo prize. I’m guessing he’ll go for no homework!!

  2. P7B – you have had a very interesting week. Crime stories, crime scenes, investigations….you are quickly becoming experts in problem solving-so I know where to go for help. Please share your stories with me, I look forward to you grabbing my attention with your interesting openers!
    Well done to everyone for their hard work.

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