
We are busy planning and learning about dinosaurs.  Did you know that a dinosaur is only a dinosaur if…

  1. It must have lived during the Mesozoic Era
  2. It must be a reptile, although not all reptiles are dinosaurs. Lizards are reptiles, but they are not dinosaurs.
  3. Its legs must be located below its body, as opposed to sticking out from the sides like the legs of a crocodile
  4. It must have lived on land. There were lots of other reptiles that lived at the same time (plesiosaurs have flippers and lived in water and in the air like the pterosaurs).

We have also been thinking about what it might be like if dinosaurs lived today.  Hollie thinks they would kill us all but Keegan thinks they would be pets and we would walk them on leads.


One thought on “Dinosaurs….”

  1. Wow Primary 1b! I am fascinated by your dinosaur facts. I had no idea that only land animals could be a dinosaur. I always thought a plesiosaur was a dinosaur but now I know better thanks to you!

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