Vesak Festival Fun in Class O

Class O have been learning about Buddhism this week as part of our Fesitival Fun learning journey. We have been researching beliefs, traditions and festivals.
We have enjoyed a variety of role play and art activities. Can you tell?


Cameron: Vesak is the festival og light where people decorate their houses and the street with candles and lanterns. I enjoyed making a colourful square lantern.

Cody: Dressing up as a monk and pretending to meditate was fun. I learned a huge number of interesting facts about monks and their daily life. However, I would not want to be one in real life becasue they do not get a lot to eat.

Liam: Buddhists worship the Buddha. They put pictures and statues of him in their houses. You have to take your shoes off when you talk to him.

Yolie: Buddhists believe that you must use kind words and not tell lies.

Callum: Buddhists live in all kinds of homes like everyone else, but some Buddhists choose to have a small shrine area in their house. This is a quiet place where a Buddhist can be alone to focus on their religious belief and practice meditation. I really liked prentending to meditate in the shrine room we made in sensory room.

We hope you enjoyed our reflections about Buddhism and Vesak (the festival of light). Over the next few weeks we will be learning about other world religions and important festivals.

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