This week in P5b….

This week in P5b…


I really enjoyed science this week. We were seeing which solids and liquids we could separate by filtering. Kamron

I enjoyed listening to the P7 assembly. Paige

I enjoyed the the SRA because it was a challenge. Harry

I enjoyed the assembly because it was funny and interesting. Casey

I enjoyed the assembly because it teaches us stuff that we need to learn in life. Luca

I enjoyed science because we got separate solids and liquids. Lauryn

I enjoyed the assembly and science. Fiona

I loved the assembly and my brother Cameron spoke about Michael Jordan and Cameron would like to grow up to play for the NBA. Skye

I enjoyed making the William Wallace comic strip. Gabriel

I looked doing the problem solving Mystery Wheel challenge. Noah

I enjoyed the P7 assembly. Jordan

I enjoyed the drumming in P5a.


Good luck to Tobin and Noah who are participating in finals day tomorrow at Kingsfield Golf Club.

We are very excited about Lowport.  Those that aren’t going are going to have fun at school and go on their own adventure!




2 thoughts on “This week in P5b….”

  1. School was fun this week. Im really enjoying the science experiments we are doing. Well done to Tobin who came 2nd in the golf. The assembly was good fun and i cant wait for low port on wed!!

    Noah x

  2. Skye is all packed for Lowport on Wednesday 🙂 I hope that everyone who is going has a really great time and I look forward to hearing all about your Lowport adventures when Skye returns 😀

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