Primary 4a have been very busy learning this week.
Calvin – We have been learning quarter past, half past, quarter to and o’clock in maths.
Kayleigh – We learned that we need our 5 times table to help with our time
Dadirayi – We have been learning how to tell the time on digital clocks
Annabelle – In maths we have also been learning to order the days of the week and months of the year.
Grace – We have been learning that a good friend is someone who doesn’t hit, forgives, is nice, and funny.
Olivia – After we learned about what makes a good friend we created a Friendship Soup.
Kaitlin – I have been learning how to keep my balance in PE
Calvin – In PE we have been learning to control a ball.
Evie – We have learning the water cycle
Kayleigh – The water cycle is when there is water and the sun evaporates it. It then collects in a cloud called condensation. When the cloud becomes too heavy it rains which is called precipitation. After it rains it collects in the sea.
Olivia – I have learned how to write the date in French.
You have been working hard P4a !
I like hearing about you speaking French..I must try to pop in when you are practising your French and listen too
Enjoy your weekend !
Mrs Aitken
Hello primary 4A,
Thank you for coming on a tour of our resource. It was very nice to have you there and your behaviour was fab! I was very happy that you were asking lots of questions and I hope you learnt some new things.
Miss Garland