P4M w/b 1.6.15

This week we have been working hard on our CEM tests. In between testing we have enjoyed learning lots of other things!

Tobin, Fiona, Murray and Luca: we enjoyed painting  a Cherry Blossom Tree as part of our learning about China.

Gary, Noah, Dasha and Michelle: we liked learning about area in maths. We can now find the area of different shapes.

Emma: I enjoyed choir this week as we got to watch a performance of Greece.

Lauryn: I liked handwriting this week. I think my writing is getting much neater.

Gabriel: I enjoyed the class talks this week. We learned about Japan and American sports.



2 thoughts on “P4M w/b 1.6.15”

  1. Sounds like a very busy week P4m…. Hope your CEM have gone well…I loved hearing about the choir and very neat handwriting.

    Enjoy your short week
    Mrs Aitken

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