This week we spent some time helping our p1h buddies:
Chloe: “We went round the classes and helped them to do some surveys.”
Lauren U: “First we helped our buddy to decide what topic they wanted to do the survey on. Then we made up six options.”
Declan: “Next we went to a class and asked the class to vote. Some examples were favourite superhero and favourite pet.”
Isla: “When we got back to class we helped the p1 buddy colour in a bar chart using the information that they had collected. We helped our buddy write the tally mark and the number.”
Paul: “Next we helped our buddies to answer questions about the chart such as which is the least and which is the greatest. I was impressed with my buddy Jay because he said he wanted to read out the options and he did it really well.”
This week we have also been learning how to keep ourselves safe:
Harry: “This week we learned about how to make a sharp exit. This is when you are in a bad situation and you make up an excuse so you can get away quickly.”
Jack: “We learned that the difference between an appropriate touch and an inappropriate touch is because of the way it makes you feel inside.”
Kai: “Your body tells you a situation isn’t safe because it starts to produce adrenaline. “
This makes your body do things like get sweaty, get hot, butterflies in your stomach, start to shake and your mind races so you can’t concentrate.
Lauren U: “We also learned that if something happens that makes us feel unsafe we should tell a trusted adult like a parent, other family member, teacher, neighbour, police or even phone Childline on 0800 1111.”
Who has impressed?
Paul: “My mum has impressed me because she has saved up lots of money to make sure I have a great birthday party. It makes me feel precious to her.”
Adam: “My buddy Rory impressed me because he got pupil of the week for writing a detailed story.”
Kendal: “My care class (3b) impressed me because they stood up in front of everyone for their assembly and they learned their lines very well.”
Taylor: “I’m impressed with my care class (p6h) because they did their production of Olivia and I’ve heard they did really well.”
Emily: “Isla has impressed me by getting her green belt in judo.”
Lauren U: “The Cool Capybaras impressed me by winning table of the week.”
Antonia: “Lauren C impressed me by passing her bronze music medal.”
Lauren C: “Antonia and Kendal have impressed me with their friendship and how loyal they are.”
Finlay: “My buddy was off so I worked with Gabriel at buddy time and I thought he did really well reading out the options for superheroes.”
Flyn: “I’m impressed with Nathan for doing a very good entry for the Highland Games competition which has the theme ‘My Scotland Now’.”
Mr Berginis: “I have been very impressed with the concentration and effort the whole class put into their CEM testing this week. I can’t wait to see the results. “