Sinking and floating…

This week we have been scientists.  Like real scientists we did some research, made predictions, carried out an experiment and recorded our findings.

We learned about why some objects float and some sink.  It has all to do with density.  Everything is made of molecules. Molecules are tiny particles that can only be seen with a microscope (we thought of them as Lego bricks).  Some objects have molecules that are packed closely together. Others have molecules that are packed more loosely. This is density. Objects with tightly packed molecules are denser than the water and sink.  Objects with more loosely packed molecules are less dense and float.

We used this knowledge to make predications.  We then did experiments to check our predicitions and finally recorded our results.

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article 13

One thought on “Sinking and floating…”

  1. Hi Primary 1h,

    WOW! I am very impressed with your science learning and how much you know about density and why this makes objects float and sink. Your photos are brilliant again and show you all having fun being scientists. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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