Marvellous Mathematicians in P2bg

This week in p2 the Squares maths group have astounded Mrs Gallagher with their Maths skills. We have been learning how to add multiples of 10 together and everyone in this group has shown that they can do this very well. Mrs Gallagher is going to have to think very hard to come up with even more challenging Maths work for this group for next week!

The Circles group have been learning how to add 10 to a number and Alfie was very good at recalling the facts for these sums very quickly and accurately.

Well done to all our marvellous mathematicians!

Also this week we have been learning more about Castles. Our latest challenge from Nicolas the knight is to be able to name parts of a castle. We already knew lots of names for parts of castles but we learned some new ones too. We learned about a portcullis, a barbican, the keep, the curtain wall and the bailey.

We have been reflecting on what we are getting better at in school, here are some of our responses:

Gemma ‘I’m getting better at balancing in PE’.
Denholm ‘I’m getting better at adding up to 100.’
Jess ‘I’m getting better at singing.’
Lucas ‘I’m getting better at knowing more facts about castles.’
Euan ‘I’m getting better at reading my reading book.’
Alfie ‘I’m getting better at running in PE.’

One thought on “Marvellous Mathematicians in P2bg”

  1. Hi Primary 2bg,

    Congratulations to all of the P2bg Marvellous Mathematicians. I am very impressed with how hard you are all working on your maths skills. I’m pleased that you have been helping Nicolas the Knight with naming parts of a castle. You’ll be able to spot all of these when you go to visit Stirling Castle.

    Miss Henderson

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