Special visitors in p2bg

This week in p2 we had a visit from some special visitors. Claire from Rintouls Pet Shop came to visit us and kindly brought some pets for us to learn about and to touch and hold. We really enjoyed this visit, even though we found some of the animals a bit scary. There was a rabbit, a guinea pig, a tortoise, a tarantula, a corn snake, 2 bearded dragons and 2 giant snails. We learned that giant snails are very hygienic pets to have as they carry very few bacteria.

William “I liked the snake.”
Alfie “I liked the snake and the tortoise.”
Amy “I liked the rabbit.”
Hannah “I liked all the animals.”
Katie “I liked the rabbit but I didn’t like the snake.”
Mrs Gallagher “I liked the tarantula and I loved getting a chance to hold it!”

Here are some pictures from our visit:

We also really enjoyed our visit to the pantomime this week too. We thought it was really funny.

A reminder that our Christmas party is next Thursday afternoon. The cost of £2 should be paid to the school office if it has not been already.

2 thoughts on “Special visitors in p2bg”

  1. Hi Primary 2bg,

    Your visit from Claire and the animals from Rintouls Pet Shop looked like lots of fun when I popped into see you all. I really liked the rabbit and the tortoise, but was a little afraid of the guinea pig as they move about so fast! Mrs Gallagher was very brave holding the tarantula, but she really did enjoy it. I’m pleased you had fun at the pantomime. Thanks for the invite to your party next week. I’m looking forward to seeing you all having fun.

    Only 12 sleeps until Santa comes:). Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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