Festive fun!

We have had lots of festive celebrations this week in school.

We have performed TWO nativities in front of parents, friends, grandparents, and many more! We have also had our Christmas lunch (YUM YUM!). Lastly we walked down to the Regal Theatre and watched the Christmas pantomime. It has been lots of fun and here are our highlights of the week:-

Lucas – I enjoyed the pantomime
Katie – I also enjoyed the pantomime
Hannah – I liked performing The Nativity Party in front of the mums and dads
Jodie – I enjoyed singing this week
Eva – I enjoyed speaking into the microphone and going up on the stage
Dylan – I enjoyed doing the Christmas Hokey Cokey and speaking through the microphone
Lewis – I liked going on the stage
Alfie – I liked making a Rudolf picture in Art this week
Max – I enjoyed my Christmas lunch. The macaroni cheese was yummy, but the ice cream was like coloured cream!

If you have bought your Nativity DVD, we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it!

Thank you!
-Miss Wilson & Primary 1w

One thought on “Festive fun!”

  1. Hi Primary 1w,

    You have had a very busy week in school and I was so proud of how well you all performed The Christmas Party to all of your families and friends. Well done, everyone. The Christmas lunch was yummy and the pantomime was very funny. Only 12 sleeps until Santa comes:)

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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