Class 2 and 3 get Christmas Creating!

This week in class 3 we shared an afternoon with class 2.
We were in groups of 2 or 3 doing a silver circle.
There were four stations on our silver circles.
The theme of our silver circle was “Chirstmas!”
The class 3 children tell you more about it below:
Geordie: “We worked with class 2 to make lots of things to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We made bracelets, badges, penguins and reindeer bags. I think I am going to make picture frames to sell too. In the rainbow room I build an igloo. I am really enjoying watching ‘The boy in the striped pyjamas’ Its GREAT! We are watching it to help us learn more about our WW2 topic I was glad Bruno met a friend, I cannot wait to watch more!”
Josh: “This week I enjoyed listening to the Harry Potter novel, my favourite part in the book so far was when the troll escaped. I also enjoyed watching a movie all about WW2. From watching the DVD I have learned that WW2 was a cruel time in history. I went to p7 during class 3’s Christmas afternoon, in p7 I was learning about propaganda used in the war.”
Cary: “We made Christmas things such as little penguins with Christmas hats or ear muffs, I really enjoyed it. We also made a few other things like little badges. We made these things to be sold at the Christmas Fayre. There will be lots of beautiful things to buy so if you can, come along on Saturday 29th November! My favourite part of the week was when a cat came into the playground. I got to pat it, but I made sure I washed my hands afterwards to keep the germs away. I am looking forward to watching the DVD next week about the war. It’s really good and interesting, I really like it.”
Callum: “I enjoyed everything this week! We were learning about Evacuees during WW2. On our Christmas afternoon Nathan and I build a model igloo with the bricks in Rainbow Room. When I was making a reindeer bag with Mrs O’neill I gave her a fright by turning myself into Rudolf. It was so funny! I enjoyed making a model of an Anderson Shelter using junk, I worked with Miss Robertson to do it. I had really great ideas. I am looking forward to enjoying more days at school.”
Caitlin has been in class 3 this week until 12.30pm she tells us all about her week below:
“We have been playing dominoes at maths mission. Last week’s maths mission was to draw pictures that represent number for us to play dominoes. Our pictures were World War 2 themed. I liked it because I like playing dominoes.”
“In maths I am learning how to divide. I think this is a bit hard.”
“Next week I am looking forward to doing things for the Christmas Fayre.”

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