End of term reflections from p2bg

It’s been a busy term in p2 and we have certainly all made progress which Mrs Gallagher was delighted to share with our parents at parents evenings this week.
Here are some of the things we have learned and enjoyed this term:

Ranna ‘I enjoyed the drama work about the Toy Shop.’

Alex ‘I liked making new friends.’

Miles ‘I have learned a lot about my senses.’

Euan ‘I have enjoyed Maths this term.’

Katie ‘I liked drawing and Maths.’

James ‘I enjoyed art.’

Catriona ‘I enjoyed PE.’

Joshua ‘My highlights of the term are Maths, PE and reading.’

We are delighted that some of our pupils have reached step 3 before the October holidays. Well done to Ranna, Amy, Catriona, James, Hannah and Skye, keep up the hard work and excellent behaviour!

Have a lovely holiday everyone!

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