Hello from P3b

Last week in school we enjoyed P.E. We played the game Cat and Mouse. This is where three people are chosen as cats and they have to chase the mice! All the mice have to wear bibs tucked into their trousers and if their bib is pulled out, they are out of the game. The last person with their bib intact is the winner! Evan was our winner on Wednesday- well done!
On Tuesday we had a talk from the SSPCA (The Scottish Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals). The lady brought in a toy rabbit and told us how to take care of pet rabbits. For example, it is important that rabbits have a cage to live in and a large enough space to run around. Rabbits also need carrots and other vegetables to stay healthy. It is also important to hold a rabbit properly to stop it from jumping away and hurting itself.
Last week we started our class topic ‘Our Community Project’. Firstly, we discussed what a community is. We then reflected on our family community. We used adjectives to describe our family members during writing time. We also completed a family member survey to discover how many people each of us had in our immediate family. Towards the end of the week, we explored the story ‘The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse’. We had a closer look at the characters in the story and how their lives are very different because of where they live!

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