
Thank you to all those who came along to our ‘Meet The Teacher Evening’.  It was great to see so many Parents/Carers , and it was lovely to meet you all. Mrs Haddifon.

P6H are thoroughly enjoying our Space topic.  We researched lots of facts and wrote letters as Astronauts leaving on a space mission.  We also used wax resistancy methods to create space scenes, and created some fantastic pictures.  As we go forward with our space mission we are going to build a six foot model of a Space Shuttle, looking at all the different parts it has.  So if you have any spare newspapers we would really appreciate you sending them in for our papier mache.

We also had our first try at Countdown Spelling this week, which went well.  We all enjoyed it and not even Mrs Haddifon’s dancing put us off!

2 thoughts on “p6h”

  1. Hi Primary 6h,

    Your new space topic sounds very interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing you space shuttle when it’s finished. Countdown Maths sounds like a great way to learn your maths. I didn’t know Mrs Haddifon was a dancer!
    I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Thank you for a lovely Meet the Teacher evening last Wednesday. You have some exciting topics lined up for this coming year! I also can’t wait to hear all about and see your 6 foot space shuttle, wow! we will try and track down some newspapers to help with this 🙂

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