Welcome to P1h!

Although some of us are missing nursery we all think school is good and fun!

We have learned so much already and Miss Holwill is so impressed with us.  We are beginning to learn our sounds.  We can all say ‘m’ and ‘c’ and read I, the, he and she.  When we are learning our sounds we all practice writing them and do lots of fun activities like colouring, painting and sticking.  In maths we have started to write numbers and count.  Our favourite game is when we pretend to be green bottles accidently falling of the wall.

We have been meeting lots of new people and learning about how they help us in school.  We have made pictures of some of these people to remind us.  Some really important people in school are our buddies.  They have been playing with us at play time and helping us at lunch.  We also have a lesson with them each week.  This week we made peg people of ourselves.

We haven’t even started to tell you about drama, PE or Spanish.

Miss Holwill thinks we better have a long lie tomorrow 🙂

Talk to you soon!

2 thoughts on “Welcome to P1h!”

  1. I can see why Miss Holwill is so impressed with you all P1h, you have been learning so much in your first weeks of school. I like the song about the Ten Green Bottles too, it is a good one. I agree that your buddies are very important people and they have been doing a super job helping you settle into school. I am sure you will have lots of fun with them over the year doing lots of different things.

    Mrs Leamy

  2. Hi Primary 1h,

    I too am very impressed with how well you have all settled into school and are already learning lots of new things. The pictures you were making of the people who help in school were very good and I thought mine was very like me:). I’m so pleased that your buddies are being such a great help to you as they really are enjoying working with you. I’m looking forward to seeing you do really well at school. Keep up the good work.

    Miss Henderson

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