This week in p2bg

This week in p2bg we have been learning new things. With Miss Boyle we have been learning about 3D shapes and trying to find some 3D shapes in pictures and the environment. We have also been learning about our senses and have learned about how our eyes and ears work.

With Mrs Gallagher we have been learning about Celebrations. We talked about weddings and our experience of weddings.  Teighan, Alfie and Gemma knew lots about weddings and gave us lots of information about their experiences. We learned that there is a special book called a register that people sign when they get married and that people who are getting married exchange rings. Lots of people mentioned the fancy cars you sometimes see at weddings and there were lots of drawings of limousines.

We were delighted to get our first fireball with Mr Jefferies and hope to achieve another one next week too.

Well done to Alfie who is our pupil of the week for always trying to write words beside his drawings, Mrs Gallagher was very impressed with this.

One thought on “This week in p2bg”

  1. Hi Primary 2bg,

    You have had a very busy start to P2 with lots of fun learning activities going on in your class. I know that your teachers are very impressed with how well you are all doing. I know you will be a wonderful P2. Your work on weddings sounds like good fun. I’ve been to lots of weddings and they are very special celebrations. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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