
We have been very friendly this week in primary 3e. We have been talking about what makes a good friend. We listened to the story of the Rainbow Fish and discussed how sharing is a good quality to have in a friend. We also read one of our favourite stories called Enemy Pie. We learned that sometimes we might think we do not like someone but if we spend time with them they could end up being a good friend. We then decided to make friendship pies for one of our friends. We put in nice and tasty ingredients and we also put in some things which make a good friend. For example, some of us put in hugs, kindness and helpfulness. We wrote recipes for friendship pies and we all remembered to use good openers like first, then and next.

Here is a recipe for an Apple Friendship Pie by Ellis:

1. First you need to make a pie base and put a dash of apple sweeteners.

2. Next grate yummy apples and get strawberries and some hot melted marshmallows and scooshy cream.

3. Grate a chocolate bar over the top and cut an apple over the chocolate and sprinkle berries.

4. After a pour a little of apple water and a hint of sugar and salt and jam.

5. Finally put a lump of ice cream on and cross it over.

We have been working on our handwriting this week. We have new writing jotters with smaller lines. We have been trying our best to make sure the letters are the right size and are sitting on the line.

We also found out that our new topic is going to be all about Our Community. We are excited to learn more about Bathgate and we are really interested to learn about Bathgate’s history.


Pupil of the Week: Keira Mallin

Class Dojo: Karys Brown

Table of the Week: Speed Superheroes and the X-ray Vision Superheroes

Well Done!

Have a great weekend!

One thought on “P3e”

  1. Hi Primary 3e,

    I’m so pleased to hear that you have been learning all about friendship and how you can be good friends to each other in the class. I really liked some of the friendship pie recipes when I was in your class. I hope you’re not finding it too tricky to write on the smaller lines. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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