We’re buzzing in Class 3!

This week as part of our energy topic we built some electrical circuits.  We used batteries, wires, bulbs, buzzers and motors.  We investigated the effects of adding switches, more batteries and more bulbs to the circuit.

JoshI thought circuits were good.  I made some of my own, like a light bulb and a buzzer.  I had to use two batteries to make it work.

Nathan – When my circuit had two batteries the bulbs were brighter because there was more power. The motor went faster with two batteries and the buzzer was really loud and sounded higher up.

Cary  – The switch caused the electricity to stop and go, when you let go of the switch it would turn off. It broke the circuit. I am very happy that I finally got to know how switches work. It was great to experiment with different circuits.

We thought about what sort of energy the electrical energy was changed into. Sometimes it was more than one sort!

Callum – When the light bulb lit up there was light energy and a little bit of heat and when the buzzer sounded there was sound and a bit of movement energy.

We swapped the wires for different materials to see which would let electricity flow through.

Cary –We found that things like the tin foil and paper clip were conductors. These were the metal things.

Callum –The string and the plastic spoon were insulators.

Callum – I was hoping this was a bad plan to use one wrapped tin foil, two batteries, a switch and two light bulbs. But when I tested it it actually worked. I was very happy.

CallumIn the sensory room we made a ‘Don’t touch the wire’ game. When we touched the wire it went BBBBUZZZZZZZZ. The two wires touching created an electrical circuit.

GeordieI like the operation game, the nose lights up and the buzzer goes. You can get Operation Shrek and Operation Mater.

On Thursday  morning we had our Celebrating Success assembly. Josh, Cary and Liam all received certificates. Here is Liam having his certificate presented by Mr Welsh.

Liam – Mr Welsh gave me a card. It was a Head Teacher’s Award. He said  “Well done!”  I felt happy.

A big congratulations to all the certificate winners :).

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