Class 2 – Our week

This week class 2 have been really busy as usual.

On Monday we went out and about down to the library. We had to look for books about weather.  Weather is our new topic we are learning about.

On Tuesday some of our class practised skipping, jumping and pushing skills at PE. Caitlin and Aiden went on the trip to the viking museum with P4LG. Caitlin said she liked that her mum came along and that her favourite part was the playroom.

In sensory room we experimented with water and made bubbles. We blew big and small bubbles, we also changed the colour of the water. Liam enjoyed this activity, he said it was fun.

On Wednesday we had special visitors in our classrooms.Caitlin said she enjoyed the activity she did with the visitorsmixing black and white paint to make a grey colour, then they painted rain clouds creating different tones with the mixed paint.

Caitlin, Aiden and Cody enjoyed celebrating success on Thursday – we all enjoyed singing the build up song.

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