What we have learned and enjoyed in P5m this week….

We researched Florence Nightingale and I learned about her childhood.  Sophie

I learned that the first car ever made only had 3 wheels! Craig

I learned that the sewer system was invented during the Victorian era and because the poor people had to drink dirty water they contracted cholera. Emma C

I enjoyed learning about flexibility in PE. Charlie

Taylor learned that yoga can calm you down a lot!

I enjoyed running 10 laps of the hall for Sports Relief. Josh, Erin M and Ross

Drew enjoyed giving his class talk on the invention of the train.   It was invented by George Stevenson.

I enjoyed watching the Wizard of Oz.  Leon and all of P5m!

This week the following people did their class talks on Victorian Inventions:

Nadia did her talk on the sewer system.

Katie did her talk on the electric light bulb.

Emma B did her talk on the telephone.

Megan did her talk on toys during the Victorian era.

Robbie did his talk on the telephone.

Mirren did her talk on oil refining.

Drew did his class talk on the train.

Cameron did his class talk on the camera.

Craig did his class talk on the car.

Well done to all those people that gave a class talk.

Finally, a huge well done to both P6 classes and all the staff involved for putting on a wonderful production of the Wizard of Oz!

2 thoughts on “What we have learned and enjoyed in P5m this week….”

  1. All the class talk topics sound great and Cameron is glad that his is now done! Talking about cars with three wheels, Cameron’s Granda’s very first car only had three wheels and his Grannie used to worry that it would get blown over in the wind:)

  2. Hello 5m,

    You are all sharing your interests in Victorian inventions and helping one another to learn more through your class talks. I’m sure some of you were nervous but listening and talking skills are a key part of your Literacy learning. If you’ve had your turn, you can relax and enjoy listening to others being a quality audience member. I see a few of you have found out more about the telephone. Imagine no phones or mobiles today if this invention had never been created!

    Have a good week,
    Mrs Spence

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