Information overload!

 This week we were learning how to create information posters by researching facts on a specific topic on Ancient Egypt and displaying this as a poster.

Rowan – On my poster I researched the after life. I found out that the Egyptians thought the after life would be better than their life before they died. They would bring statues and amulets with them for the after life.

Liam – On my poster I researched Tutankhamun’s tomb. I found out that robbers tried to steal things but they didn’t find the good stuff – like the jewels and his sarcophagus!

Ty – On my poster I drew pictures of some Gods such as Osiris, Bes, Ma’at, Ammut and Anubis.

Harvey – We learned about the weighing of the heart ceremony. If your heart was heavy Ammut would appear and eat you up!

Megan – If your heart was heavier than the feather that meant that you lead a life of sin.

One thought on “Information overload!”

  1. Hi Primary 3w,

    WOW! You really have been working hard this week on designing your posters. I’m looking forward to seeing them when they’re finished. You all know lots about the Ancient Egyptians.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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