Indian Galore! P4g

This week we have been studying India as part of our topic ‘Around the World in 80 Days’. The best part of the week was when we joined up with P4b and rotated around three exciting tasks. These included dress up in children’s traditional Indian clothing, art picture of the Taj Mahal, making and tasting chapatti and dahl curry and lastly designing our own henna tattoos and having them painted on the palm of our hands! We also learned that the most common form of transport in India is rickshaws and there is no legal limits of the number of people on public transport so people can just jump on anywhere at their own risk and not even wear a seatbelt! Also, there are certain areas and certain times of the days where electricity has to be shared so not everyone across the whole country gets electricity at the same time. This is called shed loading. Another fun task was learning how to Bollywood dance to a song Chaiyya Chaiyya.

Look at our amazing henna tattoos:

This week’s Special Person is Kiera because:

  • She is the bestest and most greatest friend I could ever have (Gemma).
  • She is very funny!
  • She is nice and caring to all of her friends.
  • She is cool in school!
  • She is pretty.
  • She is cute.
  • She works hard in class.
  • She is a good person to talk to when you have a problem.
  • She always has a smile on her face and makes us smile.
  • She is kind to everyone.
  • She is very helpful.
  • She is interesting to talk to.
  • She is a fast runner and shares during sport games.
  • She is fun to play with because she has a good imagination and invents fun games!
  • She is always gives 100%.

Question of the Week: Do you know any interesting facts to share with us about a foreign country?

Have a blast this weekend!


5 thoughts on “Indian Galore! P4g”

  1. Hi Primary 4g,

    I really liked seeing all of the different mendi patterns you had designed this week and was very impressed with how good at doing these Mrs Ghafoor was. She was going to do mendi for me at the end of school but I had to go to a meeting so wasn’t able to get one done. I’m hoping that ill be able to have my pattern done next week. You have said lovely things about Kiera. She must be feeling very happy to know what a special person you all think she is.

    My fact about a foreign country:
    On some of the Greek islands children are often sent home from school if it gets too hot as they need to have a break from the heat. I don’t think this will ever happen in Scotland as don’t think it’ll ever be that hot:(

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. On arrival in Dubai, at the airport you have to pass a retinal scan, that is, if you were deported and replaced passport and even citizenship, it will not save you from the secondary deportation.
    The climate is very hot and humid summer temperatures around 50.
    Air conditioners are everywhere, even at bus stops, so the summer and move transitions from store to store, or on cars with air conditioning.

  3. South Sudan is the newest country in the world, formed in 2011.

    We are enjoying hearing about all the fabulous places P4g are visiting on their travels.

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