Class 3 make new friends :)

On Tuesday afternoon we went out and about to the pet shop.

Callum – I got to hold the rabbit!

Josh – I held some animals, it was nice. I held the snake, a turtle and a bearded dragon. The bearded dragon felt soft not spiky.

Geordie – I held the bearded dragon too. I really liked it. It had spikes on its face. It was a bit like a child because it was crawling over me!

Cary – I loved the visit to the pet shop. It was a nice experience for two reasons.

1) I got to see other pets and

2) I got to see peeled snake skin! It was on the ceiling. Snakes shed their skin eventually and it comes off by itself. They just wriggle out of it!  I would like to go back next month to see the bearded dragon eat some food.

Thursday 6th March was World Book Day. In class 3 we listened to a story from a book called Revolting Rhymes. The author Roald Dahl wrote his own version of Cinderella which we decided was much more gory and exciting than the original!

Cary – The Cinderella poem was really good.

Geordie – It was awesome!

Josh – I thought it was a bit weird.

Callum – It was very funny :).

Liam –  Cinderella danced at the ball.

We looked at the vocabulary  that Roald Dahl used instead of said. He included words like yelled, muttered, bellowed, roared and replied.

We all agreed on the part of the poem that we liked best :).  This is it. We hope you’re not too squeamish!

Now came the Ugly Sisters’ go.

One tried it on. The Prince screamed, “No!”

But she screamed, “Yes! It fits! Whoopee!

So now you’ve got to marry me!”

The Prince went white from ear to ear.

He muttered, “Let me out of here.”

“Oh no you don’t! You made a vow!

There’s no way you can back out now!”

“Off with her head!” the Prince roared back.

They chopped it off with one big whack.

We are looking forward to reading another Revolting Rhyme next week!

One thought on “Class 3 make new friends :)”

  1. I really enjoyed meeting all of those animals. I’m glad you did too.
    The Revolting Rhyme did make me a little squeamish, yuck!

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