P4g Open Morning

Here is what some of us thought about the open morning:

Scott – I enjoyed working with my mum to complete the fact wall about ‘Around the World’. I learned that the 50 stars on the American flag represent the 50 states of America.

Clara – I enjoyed doing research about different countries using the netbooks and library books.

Louise – I learned that France is a hot country and there are famous mountains called the Alps in Italy and it is covered with snow at the top and is a very very cold up there.

Lexis – In Spain there fashion is based on bright colour especially red and yellow.

Cameron B – I learned that Jamaica has more beaches than cities.

Isla – it was nice to work with mum and dad today to do tasks together and for them to share their knowledge.

Jane – I liked my mum seeing my class today.

Question of the Week: What do you know now that you didn’t know this time last week?

See you next week!


One thought on “P4g Open Morning”

  1. Hello 4g,

    I know now that Jamaica is a place I’d like to visit due to the fact it has more beaches than cities. It’s great to see your photos from you sharing your learning with parents and family. Where are you off to next on your world tour in 80 days?

    Mrs Spence

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