Mission Control to P1l

There was great excitment today at our Open Morning with lots of mums, dads and grandparents coming to visit our classroom and taking part in a range of activities.  Thank you to everyone who came and we hope you enjoyed it.

This week we have started our new topic ‘Superheroes’.  The topic came from the children’s  own  interests and is proving to be a great success.  On Tuesday we created our own superhero character and we will develop these further next week.

Mrs Leamy returned on Thursday to find that Superhero Mission Control had landed in our classroom.  We are going to add things over the coming weeks to make it a superhero base.

During outdoor P.E on Thursday we enjoyed some superhero time showing lots of our superhero skills.  We will keep you posted of our superhero developments and if you are in an emergency and need some superhero help you know where to call:)

5 thoughts on “Mission Control to P1l”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    I am so excited about hearing all about your Superhero topic and about all the learning that will be taking place in your class up to the holidays. It sounds like a really great fun topic. Do you have a favourite superhero? It was great to see all of your mums, dads and families in your class this morning seeing all of the activities that you do in your class.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I feel so much safer knowing there are so many super heroes nearby! I really enjoyed trying the fun activities you had in your class today!

  3. Thank you for inviting us to school on Friday – it was great to share, watch the children and take part in some activites.

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