Day for Change in P1b

Today we took part in Day for Change by dressing down and donating £1 to UNICEF.  This year’s Day for Change focussed on Article 28- The right to an education.  We learned that some boys and girls do not get to go to school because they do not have enough money or because their school has been destroyed.  We read a story about a girl called Angita from Madagascar whose school was destroyed by a bad storm.  We learned that UNICEF can help build schools for children like Angita and that our money will help with this.  We drew pictures of Angita’s school before and after UNICEF’s help and thought about how lucky we are to have our school!  We were delighted with our Day for Change stickers at the end of the day.

Thanks for taking part,


5 thoughts on “Day for Change in P1b”

  1. Hi Primary 1b,

    I’m so pleased that you enjoyed your Day for Change activities and learning all about the right to an education. The stickers sound like a great end to the day.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hi Primary 1

    In Primary 4 We have been learning about Angita and the cyclone and how Madagascar is a very poor country and because of the cyclone an now Angita has no home because the parents have been cutting down trees.

  3. Hi, it’s Aaron from P2E, I was in P1B last year and very much enjoyed learning about Angita and UNICEF’s help they give.

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