Act like an Egyptian…

This week we took part in a really fun Drama lesson which involved the class working together to act out the different types of people in Ancient Egypt.

We acted out the roles of:






In Drama we have been learning about:

-Facial expression, body movements and expressions in our voices.

I am very impressed with the whole of P3W and their performances! They have been giving very good feedback to their peers on how to improve. We are going to working on 2 stars and a wish!

Class Dojo winner: Jennie Armstrong

Raffle ticket winner: Samantha McMillan

Pupil of the week: Yasmin McKinnon for fantastic researching skills when finding out facts about Ancient Egyptian Gods.

Great Playtground Behaviour: Megan Forrester for always being polite and joining in playground games with her friends!

5 thoughts on “Act like an Egyptian…”

  1. Hi Primary 3w,

    Your Egyptian drama work sounds like really good fun. I was impressed with your recorder playing this morning and am looking forward to hearing more of your playing this term. Well done on giving very good feedback to others. Congratulations to everyone on their achievements this week.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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