
This week we have been doing lots of mental maths. Our favourtie game is Harry Potter maths. We enjoy challenging each other and we are getting much quicker at adding within 20. We have also been practising our spelling words every morning as we know this is one of our main targets this term.

On Wednesday morning we had our Shared Start. Thank you to everyone who came along to see what we have been learning. We were showing our parents the different ways we can practise our spelling words and tricky words.

This week we have been learning about electricity. We now know where electricity comes from and how we can stay safe in our homes and school. We know not to touch electrical items when our hands are wet and never touch a light bulb.

On Thursday we went to the library to vote for our favourite book. We listened to three stories and then had to choose our favourite.


Pupil of the Week: Cameron

Class Dojo: Evie and Holly

Table of the Week: Clever Clogs

Playground Helper: Charlie

Breakfast Club: Keira

Have a nice weekend!

14 thoughts on “P2e”

  1. Hi Primary 2e,

    I really like the sound of your Harry Potter maths as it sounds like a fun way to learn mental maths skills. Great that you were showing your families how to practice spelling and tricky words at Big Shared Start. I agree that it is very important to not touch electrical items with wet hands and to not touch lightbulbs. Well done to everyone on their achievements this week.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I have been driving my mum and dad crazy turning all the lights off even when they still need them on. My dad is coming to the next shared start and i am so excited.

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