Class 3 Think Writing Time is Awesome

At writing time this week, we had to try to improve our writing by adding wow words.

Geordie  – It was cool and awesome to write wow words.  It makes my writing much better.  One of my wow words was ‘screeched’.

Josh – I gave myself a thumbs up.  I used the word ‘hurried’ instead of ‘ran’.

Liam- I liked my writing this week. The pictures make it fun and also help me.

Liam wrote ‘The car skidded on the ice’.

Callum- I wrote about a story. It was very long. There was a boy, a girl, a robber and lots of others. It’s a work in progress story from the never ending story game.

We would like to challenge you to improve these words:




2 thoughts on “Class 3 Think Writing Time is Awesome”

  1. Hi Class 3,

    Your challenge is very tricky! I would change went to travelled, said to uttered and walk to sauntered. Do you think these would be WOW words for these? I’m so pleased to hear that you think writing time is awesome. I love writing too.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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