Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Class one have had a very busy start to term 3.  We celebrated our first day back to school with a New Year’s party!  We enjoyed learning about New Year celebrations in Scotland.  We tried on kilts, watched the famous Edinburgh fireworks display, counted down to zero and wished each other happy new year.  Mrs Nicol and Miss Barrie taught us how to link hands and dance to Auld Lang Syne.

We discussed and wrote about our new year’s resolutions.

Cameron‘I would like to make lots of Valentines Day and birthday cards in 2014’.

David ‘I would like to sleep in my new tent’.

Joe‘I would like to get better at dressing up as a vampire’.

Learning Across the Curriculum

Our new topic is ‘Scotland’.  We have been talking and writing about where we live and who we live with.   The children in class 1 have been sharing what they already know about Scotland.

CameronNicholas from the X Factor is Scottish.  We talk Scottish and some people say ‘aye’.

YolieBalbardie Primary School is in Scotland.

DavidI live in Scotland.

JoeThey love kilts and there are lots of houses in Scotland.  The flag is blue and white.

LewisMy house is in Scotland.

JaydenMe, Mummy and Daddy live in Scotland.  The flag is blue and white.

This week we have been learning about the flag of Scotland.  It is called the Saltire and the colours are blue and white.  We painted Scotland flags and were very careful to paint within the lines.

We have been learning a Scottish song called ‘Three Craws’.  The children in class 1 have worked very hard to learn their words and actions.   We created fantastic props for our new song.  We made lollipop puppets and craw hats. 


We celebrated Joe’s birthday this week.  We had a party and enjoyed dancing and playing musical bumps.  We also made strawberry jelly!

We all helped to make the jelly and had fun investigating how water can change from one form to another.  At first the jelly was a solid. It was very tricky to cut into small chunks as it was hard and wobbly.  We watched as the kettle boiled the water.  We could see the steam coming out of the top of the kettle.  We know how to be safe around hot water and understand that steam is very hot too. 

‘When we added water, the jelly was goneLewis.

‘The jelly looks like a drink now’. Cameron

We put the jelly in the fridge and when we took it out, the jelly was solid again.

‘It’s like a statue now’. Joe

We enjoyed smelling and tasting the jelly.  Everyone liked the smell of the jelly.  Some of us liked the taste and some of us didn’t.

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year!”

  1. Hi Class 1,

    WOW! You have really had a very busy start to the new term. Happy New Year to all of you. The New Year’s Party sounds like great fun. Your new topic sounds great and I’m impressed with how much you know about Scotland. The ‘Three Craws’ is one of my favourite Scottish songs and you look great in your craw outfits. Keep up the good work, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

  2. You have been very busy indeed.
    I was lucky enough to hear you sing ‘Three Craws’ today and I thought you were fantastic. You all knew all of the words so I know you must have been practising lots and lots. Well done!

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