Inky’s Vowel House

This week we have been learning new sounds that are in Inky’s Vowel House!

We decided to go outside and draw our own Vowel Houses using chalk in the playground. Here are some of our fantastic houses.

We even did one together using the playground house outside!

Once we came back inside, we looked at our pictures and discussed the story again. Miss Wilson is so impressed with how well we have remembered the story of Inky’s Vowel House!! We have remembered all of the characters and all of the sounds they make.

The Vowel House story is:
The donkey lives on the top floor and he says “ee”
The old man who lives underneath is hard of hearing who says “ai”
The old lady who lives underneath who cracks eggs says “e”
In the basements lives some ants “a”
We don’t like the ants! So we run upstairs to turn the light on “o”
It won’t switch on! So we say “oa”
Then we run to the top and there’s a ghost “oo”
The ghost scares Inky the mouse and he knocks over the ink “i”
It’s okay because we put up the umbrella “u”

Here are some pictures of our fabulous chalk drawings as well of Inky’s Vowel House:

For all Primary 1 parents, a letter was sent out inviting you to attend a session held by Alison Paterson to tell you more about Vowel House and Colourful Consonants. If you would like to attend it will be held on October 30th from 9:00-10:15am in school. We hope you can make it 🙂

Have a lovely holiday everyone!
-Miss Wilson and P1w

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