Starting 2014 in p3/2

Welcome back and Happy New Year. It is wonderful to be back into school life and lovely to hear everyone’s stories and of course how good Santa was to everyone.

We have had a busy two weeks so far, learning about Sir James Young Simpson and learning our parts for our class assembly. Everyone has worked really hard to learn their parts and show an understanding of the Scottish language. We can’t wait to demonstrate this on Friday and look forward to seeing you all!

3 thoughts on “Starting 2014 in p3/2”

  1. Hi Primary 3/2,

    I’m pleased to hear that you have all been working really hard at the start of the new term. I won’t be able to see your assembly on Friday as I’m in the nursery. I hope it all goes well. I’m sure your families and friends will have a lovely time.

    Miss Henderson

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