I’m a P2e, Get Me Out of Here!

We have had a very busy and quite unusual week! On Wednesday we had a “I’m a P2e Get Me Out of Here” challenge using all our five senses. Some of the activities were quite disgusting. We had five different challenges and we worked hard as a team to try and win stars. The five challenges were:

  • smell – we had to make a perfume.
  • sight – we had to describe as many pictures as we could and our team had to guess what we were describing.
  • sound – we had to draw sounds that we think we could hear if we were in a jungle.
  • taste – we had to eat worms, eyeballs and dead flies. (Don’t worry they weren’t real!)
  • touch – we had to put our hands into five different, disgusting boxes and try to grab stars.

We all had a really great time and our winning team were the Bright Sparks. They were pleased to win their medals and trophies!

Keira: “I really liked the touch activity and putting my hands in the boxes.”

Grace:”I liked tasting the eyeballs and worms!”

Also, we have had fun this week learning about shops. We turned our role play area into a supermarket. There is a cafe and a toy shop inside. We designed our own shops.

Ben:”I made a bucket shop like the shop in my favourite book, Billy’s Bucket.”

Aaron:”I made a butchers.”

On Thursday we went to the pantomime. We all had a great time.

Arran and Aaron liked the part when Aladdin was having a sword/light saber fight with the bad guy. Caitlin really enjoyed listening to all the songs. Cameron thought the policemen were very funny and Karys liked it when the genie gave Aladdin the magic ring.

Today we had our first Golden Club event. The children really enjoyed watching the movie and having their popcorn. Well done to everyone who made it into the Golden Club this term.


Class Dojo: Rachael and Mya

Table of the Week: Brain Boxes

2 thoughts on “I’m a P2e, Get Me Out of Here!”

  1. Hi Primary 2e,

    Your I’m a P2e Get Me Out of Here challenge sounds like a really fun activity and you all looked like you were looking forward to it when I came into your class at the start of the challenge. Well done to the Bright Sparks for winning the most stars. Your supermarket and toy shop sound brilliant. I’m pleased that you enjoyed the pantomime. I went in the afternoon and thought it was really funny. I liked the song at the end when we had to do the actions.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Only 12 sleeps until Christmas Day:)

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hi P2e,

    This sounds like so much fun and so interesting! We were wondering if it felt gooey and slimey? We wish P3W were learning about senses so we could do this. Maybe we can try it at home!



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