The floor is covered in sequins and glitter so it must be Christmas Fayre time! We have been busy making Christmas tree decorations to sell on Saturday. We also made posters to advertise what we are selling and we talked about how to make the posters more exciting and encourage people to come over to our stall.
In our topic we have been learning about the sense of smell. We know that the nose sends messages to the brain about different smells and the brain remembers lots of different smells. Our noses also help to keep us safe. They can can smell signs of danger, for example, smoke from a fire. We know that sometimes we can’t smell very well when we have a cold. We held our noses and tasted some different flavours of crisps to see if they tasted different. We definitely need our nose to help us taste too! Also, we had to guess different things by their smell. Some didn’t smell very nice. We are looking forward to finding out if our guesses were right!
We have been learning how to draw faces. We were looking carefully at our faces to see where the different features sit on our face. We found this quite tricky but we are getting better at sketching. We will let you see them once we are finished.
In writing we have been writing thank you letters to our drumming teacher Daniel. We have our last drumming class on Wednesday. We have really enjoyed using the drums and we are glad Miss Elliot has been learning how to teach us to play them.
What we think:
Keira: I enjoyed guessing the smells.
Grace: I liked learning how to draw a face.
Evie: I liked writing the thank you letters to Daniel.
Class Dojo: Evie
Table of the Week: Whizz Kids
Have a good weekend!
Hi Primary 2e,
I’m so looking forward to seeing your Christmas Tree decorations on sale at the Christmas Fayre tomorrow. I’m sure they will sell out fast. Your work on the senses continues to sound very interesting and you’re really learning how important our senses are. I’m pleased you enjoyed the drumming lessons and that Miss Elliot will be able to keep working on drumming with you once Daniel finishes. I’m sure he’ll love the thank you letters you’ve done for him. Well done, Evie and Whizz Kids.
I hope to see you all tomorrow at the fayre.
Miss Henderson
sounds like your class room is very glittery!!!!!