Lots of news from P3h

This week in class we made magnet board games. Archie and Noah made Scooby doo’s haunted house. You need to collect 5 Scooby snacks boxes and collect wee Joe. If you land on the mystery “?” the Frankenstein and the Vampire get you. It can teleport you to the haunted house. In Michelle and Lauryn’s, George’s marvellous medicine game, you collect all the medicine bottles and try to get to the finish as quickly as possible. But if you land on the banana you go straight to the finish. In Tobin and  Gary’s Christmas game, there is ten levels where you collect Santa and Reindeer but you don’t want the Mountain man or the Evil elf.  On the 9th level you destroy the Mountain man and on the 10th level you defeat the Evil elf. If you collect reindeer you get bonus points and loose 5 points when you collect the mountain man. If you collect the mountain man five times you lose the game.

We play Squeebles on the I pads for maths. We use Squeebles to learn our times tables.  If we get our tables right we save a Squeeble from the Math Monster.  We also get prizes and bubble stones for doing really well.  At the end we can play bubble ball using our Squeebles and trading our rewards for different balls and flip fish.  We think Squeebles is brilliant and fun.  We would recommend it to people who like maths and need to practice their times tables.

We had a visit from Dr Pugh who told us all about magnets.  We made our own magnets, we rubbed the nail on the magnet and it turned magnetic so the paperclip stuck to the nail. We also learnt that you can get really big magnets that can make non magnetic things magnetic- like making frogs float.  We learnt that magnets were stronger than gravity.  He uses magnets at his work.  He paints mechanical parts  with special paint and then uses magnets to see if there are cracks which would make the items dangerous to use.

In class we read George’s Marvellous Medicine.  Miss Holwill decided to use this for us to practice our functional writing.  First we had to design and write instructions for our own medicine for grannies.  Some of the medicine would make them explode, make her nice or turn her  into your servant.  We wrote letters to Boots the Chemist to ask them to try our medicine recipes.  They said they would so we made posters to advertise our medicines.

We have finished our puppets for the Christmas Fair and look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

2 thoughts on “Lots of news from P3h”

  1. Hi Primary 3h,

    You have certainly had a very busy week! The games you have made sound excellent. It would be great if you could show me some when I’m in your class on Tuesday. The iPad game sounds interesting and I hope that it has really helped you to learn your timetables. Do you enjoy using the iPads to help you with your learning? Dr. Pugh’s visit sounds fab and I know you all really enjoyed having him visit your class. I’m looking forward to seeing your Christmas crafts at the fayre. I hope to see you there.

    Miss Henderson

  2. It was great fun making up our own board game. I cant wait to play some of my friends games. they sound ace! I’m loving playing squeebles just now and I’ve managed to unlock 16 so far but I’m going to keep practising. It was great fun having Dr Pugh in to see us and I learnt a lot about magnets from him. The fayre was really busy and had lots of cool things to do and we bought loads of things too.
    Love Noah

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