Double Trouble in P1m

This week in class we have been learning about doubles.  We have been playing dominoes and doubling up spots on ladybirds and butterflies.  If you have any dominoes in the house you could maybe play a game and have a go at adding up the spots.

“If you have the same dots on both sides that makes a double” – Connor

“1 add 1 makes 2 and 2 add 2 makes 4” – Louie

“I liked being the teacher and showing them 3 add 3 makes 6” – Teighan

A quick reminder that the Christmas Fayre starts at 10am this Saturday – hope to see you there!

2 thoughts on “Double Trouble in P1m”

  1. Hi Primary 1m,

    I also love your domino doubles wall and it sounds like you have been working hard on learning these. Well done, everyone. I really enjoyed my visit to your class yesterday and seeing you enjoying your learning. Your crafts for the Christmas Fair look fab and I hope to see you all on Saturday at the fair.

    Miss Henderson

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