Our Week in P1l

Well, on Monday Miss Henderson came into our class with a basket and red cape.  She had found it outside and immediately knew something was strange so came along to P1 to ask us about it.  As we know lots about fairytales it didn’t take us long to work out it must belong to Little Red Riding Hood and that Dennis the Dragon must have had it but dropped it. After we worked it out we listened to the story and were all very good at realising that Little Red Riding Hood should not have spoken to the wolf because he was a stranger.  Our Red Riding Hood activities continued during the week and Mrs Jamieson helped us decorate some cookies to go in baskets we decorated. On Wednesday with Mrs Spence we wrote ‘Wanted’ posters to help find the wolf and on Thursday we had a different version of the story called Little Bad Riding Hood.  She ate all the cookies on the way to Granny’s house and put stones in instead.  In the end it turned out she was a hero because the wolf ate the stones and his teeth fell out!

Our sounds this week have been ‘t’ and ‘i’ and we are doing really well with them.  Some people have started to sound out words and make up words themselves – Mrs Leamy and Mrs Spence are very proud.

Here are some of our thoughts about school:

I like doing letters and numbers – Alfie

I am looking forward to going on a trip with school – Katie

We like drawing in school – Suvi and Maisey

I like playing with the Lego – Lucas

Bye for now


2 thoughts on “Our Week in P1l”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    You have had a very busy week again, boys and girls. I got quite a surprise when the basket landed in the playground in front of me this week. I’m so pleased you were able to find out about Little Red Riding Hood. Your posters looked fab when I was in your class on Wednesday. Keep up the good work, P1l. I too am very proud of you all.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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