Class 3 Love Reading

In class 3 we are reading the ‘World According to Humphrey’.  It’s a novel which we have purchased on ibooks on the ipad.  Mrs Stewart plugs the ipad into the smartboard so we can all see the pages as she reads them.

Geordie – It’s a really good story.  It’s cool to see it on the smartboard.

Josh – I like listening to the story.

Cary – The story is interesting and sometimes funny.

We have been practising our predicting skills.  Humphrey the hamster was taken to Mr Morale’s house.  He is the headmaster.  We predicted what he would do there.

Have a look at some of our predictions.


Cary – I liked predicting, especially because I got to draw my prediction.

Liam – I drew Humphrey biting the children.

We are enjoying reading the story and we are really looking forward to the next part.

Cary – It’s so exciting.  We always stop at exciting parts and I need to wait for the next bit.

3 thoughts on “Class 3 Love Reading”

  1. Hi Class 3,

    Your work on the World According to Mr Humphrey’s sounds very interesting and its great to hear that you have been using the iPads to download books. Your prediction pictures look fab. Well done.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I am really glad you are enjoying our novel boys. I am also. I thought your predictions were great and also very funny.
    I can’t wait to read what happens next.

  3. I like your idea of putting the novel on the SMARTboard. Do you think class 2 would like a novel on the SMARTboard too? Which novel would you suggest?
    The prediction pictures look very detailed. Well done class 3.

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