Another Visit for P1…

This week we had another visit from Dennis the Dragon.  He left Little Red Riding Hood’s cloak and basket in our school car park.  We think he wanted us to find out all about the story of Little Red Riding Hood.  In class we made wanted posters for the wolf and discussed stranger danger. We really enjoyed decorating a basket and the challenge of making a handle strong enough to hold yummy biscuits.

One thought on “Another Visit for P1…”

  1. Hi Primary 1b,

    WOW! You really have had a very busy week. I got quite a surprise when I saw the basket land in the playground on Tuesday. I think Dennis maybe dropped it on his way to deliver it to you all. Your work on Stranger Danger sounds very important. The biscuits look yummy too:)

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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