Money, money, money….!

This week we have been busy learning about money.  We have been identifying coins and sorting them into different coin collections.  We have made our own 1p and 2p coins and have enjoyed making coin rubbings.

In other news, we have had another visit from Dennis the Dragon, who curiously dropped off a basket, with a red hooded cape in it.  We are currently investigating who it belongs to…..

In language we are making great progress with learning our sounds and understanding how to blend them together to read small words.  Both of our teachers are very proud of us. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Money, money, money….!”

  1. Hi Primary 1m,

    Your work on money sounds very interesting. I’m coming to your class on Monday morning and am looking forward to seeing how well you are all doing. I’m so impressed that you’re reading words so quickly. Well done, everyone. It was very exciting when I delivered the basket with the red cape in it to you all on Tuesday. Your wanted posters looked interesting when I visited your class this afternoon. Keep up the good work.

    Miss Henderson

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