Class 3 and p6a Learn in the Dark

On Monday the sensory room was transformed into the solar system.

We lay down and relaxed in the dark as we listened to a solar system song.  The planets hanging in the sensory room glowed in the dark.

Cary – I liked it.  I felt tired zzzzzzzzzz.

Nathan – I was a bit worried about the dark but it was okay.

We learned that there are 8 planets.  Do you know what they are called?

Geordie – I learned that Pluto is now called a dwarf planet.

We used a special torch which had slides to look at the planets more closely.  This was really cool.

Geordie – I thought the rings of Saturn looked like the inside of an onion.

The best part was we invited some pupils from p6a to enjoy our sensory room experiences with us.  We really liked having them join us and we are going to invite some more pupils next week.

4 thoughts on “Class 3 and p6a Learn in the Dark”

  1. The sensory room looked really interesting with all the planets. Your comment was very good Geordie about Saturn looking like an onion.
    Well done Class 3 and 6a

  2. Your special torch sounds brilliant! I know some of the planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Earth and Mars. What are the other ones called? Is there one called Nectarine?
    I watched a video about the planets which was really funny.
    Maybe you could watch it too. 🙂

  3. I’m so glad you enjoyed the solar system themed sensory room. I was very impressed with how much you could remember about the planets.
    I agree, it was great to have pupils from p6a join us. I’m looking forward to some more pupils joining us tomorrow.

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