M&D’s and the 5 senses


This week, class 1, 2 and 3 had a wonderful day out at M&D’s theme park!  There were lots of things to see and do at M&D’s.  We enjoyed going on the rides and some of us even watched and helped out with a magic show! 

‘I had fun with Aidan and Caitlin and Cody and Mrs Clark.  My favourite ride was the train.’  Cameron

‘I like the wheel and water slide.’  Jayden

‘A water slide! That was my favourite.’  Lewis

‘I loved the water slide!’  David

‘My favourite ride was the tunnel water slide with Liam.’  Joe

‘I got on the bus to go to M&D’s.  I liked having fun at M&D’s.’  Yolie

On Thursday we covered the walls in the sensory room with paper and painted a giant picture of M&D’s theme park!  Class 1 have also been talking about the things that we could see, smell, hear, taste and touch at the theme park.  Next week we are going to write sensory poems about our fun day out!  The adults are so pleased that everyone had a great time!

The 5 Senses

Class 1 have been learning about the 5 senses.  We worked with Mrs Nicol to create an information poster about the 5 senses.  We enjoy singing ‘The 5 Senses’ song to remind us what the 5 senses are.  It goes like this: 

 This is the way we see things, hear things, smell things.  This is the way we taste things and this is the way we touch.

We had fun creating detailed drawings of our eyes and Cameron and Jayden labelled the different parts of the eye.  

We like to spend time in our class dark den.  We can’t see a thing in there unless there is some light!  We have enjoyed observing the colourful lights in our dark den this week as they change colour between red, blue, green, yellow and white!  We compared our eyes to the eyes of an owl and learned that unlike us, owls are great at seeing in the dark!  They have big round eyes which help them to find food in the dark.  Jayden pointed out to the class that owls have symmetrical faces!  We made feathery owl masks and are going to wear them next week as we learn more about how nocturnal animals use their senses to find food. 

We enoyed watching this clip in class, why not have a look and see if you can work out which of the 5 senses these animals are using to hunt for food.


 Enjoy the long weekend!

6 thoughts on “M&D’s and the 5 senses”

  1. Hi Class 1,

    Your photos of the fun time you had at M and D’s are brilliant and it looks like you had lots of fun. We’re you scared on any of the rides? Your senses topic sounds like great fun too.

    Have a lovely, long weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I thought M&Ds was fun too. I’m very impressed to see some of you on that ride that went high up in the sky. You must have been very brave.

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