Class 3 pupils become teachers

This week class 3 have been thinking about article 28 – the child’s right to an education.

Geordie – Children should have the right to go to school because they need to learn things like maths and computer to get a job.

Liam – I like school.

We thought about why we come to school and what life would be like if we didn’t come to school.  We watched a clip about a girl called Fatima who doesn’t go to school.  Where she lives you have to pay to go to school and her parents don’t have enough money for this.  We all thought this was very sad.

We also saw some clips about children who have no classroom and children who have to share their teacher with nearly 100 other children!  This got us thinking about our dream teacher.  We each designed a dream teacher.

Cary – I liked making my dream teacher.  I think all of the teachers at Balbardie Primary School are like my dream teacher.

Our favourite activity this week was sensory room.  This was turned into a classroom where the pupils were the teachers and the adults were the pupils.


Miss Waddell – I enjoyed being a pupil.  The teachers had good ideas and I learned very much from them.

3 thoughts on “Class 3 pupils become teachers”

  1. I thought you all made fantastic teachers in sensory room boys. What a lovely thing to say about the teachers Cary. I’m sure they will be very pleased to read that.

  2. I am really pleased with your work – Cameron

    What a fantastic idea! I think the boys in Class 3 did a great job of being the teacher! I really like your picture Cary, it\\\’s so nice to hear that you think all the teachers at Balbardie are your dream teacher! Miss Barrie

  3. I’m so glad you are all looking forward to the M & D trip next week. I’m sure we will all have lots of fun and lots of things to post on next weeks blog. Miss. Waddell

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