Our Learning by 3b

This week has been very interesting! The hexagons have been learning about dividing and linking it to fractions and times tables! It’s brilliant how maths all links! Our spelling has included the pattern ee and ea.

We have been discussing the most important event of the year in Bathgate: John Newland’s Day/ Bathgate Procession. We talked about who John Newland was, why we have characters like Walter and Marjory and why Bathgate does not have a Gala Day. We have been drawing the characters and writing the story of John Newland. Our aim is to explain this to everyone so they know!

Our writing about John Newland.

One thought on “Our Learning by 3b”

  1. Hi Primary 3b,

    It sounds like you have had a very interesting week learning about the Bathgate Procession and John Newland. I am looking forward to seeing you all next Saturday if you can make it to walk with the school in the parade. I’m coming as the leopard from Madagascar:). What are you dressing up as?

    Miss Henderson

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