What p2lg have been doing this week

This week we have been learning about fractions in numeracy. We have been learning how to find half of a number. It’s quite tricky but our fractions boards help us to see how to do it. Mrs Gallagher also brought in some oranges to show us that a fraction of something is smaller than the whole thing. We enjoyed eating them afterwards as a snack.

In topic we have been learning about houses and homes on the past. We learned that we are very lucky to live in modern houses as there were many things about living in houses in the past that were not so nice, for example having to go outside to use the toilet. Mrs Jamieson brought in some items for us to have a look at. We enjoyed trying out the inkwell and pen to do some writing and using the meat mincer.

Here is what we had to say about our learning this week:

Colin: “We heard a different Three Little Pigs story at the library. I liked it.”

Aidan: “We did writing about a haunted house for the Young Writer competition.”

Lauryn: “I liked going to the library.”

Archie: “I enjoyed learning about fractions this week.”

Lennox: “I liked seeing Mrs Jamieson’s artefacts that she brought in to show us.”

One thought on “What p2lg have been doing this week”

  1. Hi Primary 2lg,

    I am very impressed at how well you have been doing learning all about fractions in numeracy. It really is a very tricky to learn about, but you have done really well with this. The oranges sound like a yummy snack:). I’m glad you are enjoying your houses and homes work. I’m glad that my toilet is in my house and I don’t have to go outside to go to the toilet. It must have been very cold!

    Have a lovely, long weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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