This week we received some wonderful surprises from Miss Henderson! We now have a rainbow coloured rug in our library and a magic cusion. The magic cushion looks like a gigantic ladybird but it has a special secret… If you look inside there are lots and lots of baby ladybird cushions. We love the new things for our library – thank you Miss Henderson!
Logan brought in a Buzz Lightyear cushion from home for us to use in our library so we’d like to say a big thank you to Logan’s family too!
At the end of last term Ziggy and Zaggy gave us lots of traditional tales and this week we read Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been very busy in class and have made a giant beanstalk for our library corner which goes all the way to the ceiling. We also planted beans and we are having a competition in class to see whose beanstalk will grow the tallest. We also planted a bean to look after at home. Please remember to water your beans every day and put them near sunlight.
I think jack was very brave to climb up the beanstalk. I also think he was right to take the coin and hen as it was actually jacks dad and the giant stole it from jacks family so he was only taking it back. From Baillie Walker
Hi Baillie, do you think you would be brave enough to climb the beanstalk?
Hi Primary 2/1b,
I am so pleased that you like the new stuff in your library. I love the gigantic ladybird which is filled with little cushions. Ill pop into see the Buzz Lightyear cushion as it sounds great too. Your new topic sounds very interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with your magic beans! I wouldn’t be brave enough to climb the beanstalk, Mrs Mooney and Baillie as I would be scared that I would fall!
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Henderson
I like the ladybird cushion very much.
love rowan.
I liked making the beanstalk in class and drawing the giant! I think Jack did the right thing taking back the hen, harp and coins from the giant because they were his Dad’s. By Oliver
I liked making the beanstalk in class and drawing the giant! I think Jack did the right thing taking back the hen, harp and coins from the giant because they were his Dad\’s. By Oliver